Our research centers on the experimental and theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of matter and its interplay with material properties and spectroscopy. Emphasis is placed on metallic and semiconductor materials in low dimensions, and more recently nano-systems, OLED materials, biomaterials and soft matters. A major ongoing thrust is the development and applications of synchrotron radiation techniques at facilities including the Canadian Light Source , Advanced Photon Source, and Taiwan Photon Source.
Canadian Light Source (CLS)
CLS is a third-generation synchrotron located on the campus of University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. CLS consists of a 2.9 GeV storage ring and a linear accelerator that serves as an injector to the rings. The ring has a circumference of 170.88 m, with a maximum current of 220 mA. Its horizontal emittance is 18 nm-rad, with an approximate vertical emittance of 0.09 nm-rad. learn more

Advanced Photon Source (APS)
APS is a third-generation synchrotron located at Argonne National Laboratory, 30 miles southwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA. APS consists of a 7.0 GeV storage ring and a 450 MeV linear accelerator as the injector. The ring has a circumference of 1,104 m, with an operating ring current of 100 mA and the effective emittance of 3.1 nm-rad. learn more

Taiwan Photon Source (TPS)
TPS is a third-generation synchrotron located in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. It has a 3 GeV storage ring with a circumference of 518.4 m. learn more